There are several ways to show your support of Tommy Nobis Center’ mission.
Amazon Wish List
By donating items from our Amazon Wish List, you are providing our organization with the tools and supplies we need and use on a daily basis. Your donations directly impact individuals with disabilities and are an important part of the services we provide. All items donated from the wish list will be delivered directly to Tommy Nobis Center.
Cobb EMC Operation Round Up
If Cobb EMC is your current electricity provider, you are already participating in Operation Round Up! Cobb EMC rounds up your monthly bill to the nearest dollar to aid local charities. Tommy Nobis Center is a current recipient of supporting funds through this program! Click here to find out more about the Cobb EMC Community Foundation Operation Round Up.
United Way
You may designate a gift to Tommy Nobis Center through your local United Way agency by providing them with this number: 34307
Donate Now
Take part in these programs to ensure we can continue to help people with disabilities. Even the smallest contributions mean the world to us. Next time you shop online, buy groceries or pay your power bill, know that you are supporting a good cause that works hard day after day to support people with disabilities in your community and far beyond.
Donate Now!
If you have any questions on how your donation will be used, feel free to call us at 770-427-9000 or fill out our online contact form.